Thursday, 27 October 2016

How to stop a lot of spam in the inbox of Gmail Account

Are you getting a lot of spam emails in your inbox? If yes, then there is no need to get worried as you will get complete details about How to stop a lot of spam in the inbox of Gmail Account. As you know receiving Spam mails is a constant problem in online lives whenever you open your mail box you see a lot of unread spam mails waiting for you which sometimes makes you worried. While it’s trouble-free to resolve this issue. In order to this a spam link can lead to virus infection in your system and your complete data can be infected with this virus. For this you need to stop these spam mails you can simply read this piece of write up and get complete details about how to stop spam mails in your Gmail account.

Block a senderGenerally emails from senders you block will be sent to your spam folder.·        For blocking a contact open your Gmail account and open the mail which is spam.
·        At the top of the email, tap on the down arrow and you will get a list of settings.
·        Choose Block [sender] and the email address will go to block list.
·        In case you block someone unintentionally, you can unblock them using the same steps.

How to view and edit senders you’ve blocked

·        First open your computer and open Gmail.
·        Now tap on the gear icon Settings.
·        After this tap on Settings.
·        Finally tap on filters and Blocked Addresses and scroll to the bottom.
Most of the times your Gmail tries to keep spam mails out of your inbox. In case you see a spam message in your inbox then follow these steps:·        Open your Gmail account.
·        After this choose the message you'd like to report spam.
·        Now in the toolbar above your emails, tap on the spam button Report to report that mail as spam.
·        Always keep in mind that when you report spam or phishing, it helps you to identify spam for you in the future.
In case you find any suspicious email in your Gmail account then you can report the email for phishing.·        For this open your Gmail.
·        Now in the email open the email which is spam.
·        Click on the down arrow and report the mail as spam at the top right of the message next.
·        Choose Report Phishing.

The spam mails will not appear in your inbox account after these steps, but in case you are still facing any issue in stopping spam mails then you can simply get connected to a third party Gmail customer service support providing company and get issue resolved instantly. For more help you can dial a toll-free tech support number for Gmail and get instant help for the same.